HSAD Degree Show 2011 - Mini Review

David Carr

4 min read - 4th Jun, 2011

I attended the Hull School of Art and Design Degree Show last night. Very please to say it was a great success, some fantastic pieces of work on display.

This post is a quick review on some of the work I got to see some of the work wasn't finished but that didn't matter as what was being shown was very impressive.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see everyone's work with networking and having quite in depth chats with most people I bumped into I simply ran out of time so apologies to the people I haven't listed here.

Hull History Viewer by Phillip Shakesby

A superb application that uses augmented reality to show buildings that have long since past, it's a fantastic idea, that's implemented effectively using a mobile phone on the Android platform.

'Hull History Viewer will offer potential users a chance to see recreations of local buildings in their original locations, using their own Android device?s camera and viewer. Historical information about the buildings or places featured within the application will also be available.'

Watch a intro video:

Visit Hull History Viewer

Big Pepper by Sam Scott

Tired of having the same food? fancy something a little different? that's where Big Pepper comes in, The website lets local business join the site to promote their unique recipe's and promote their shop, this is a win win situation the shop owner gets exposure while the consumer gets more choices.

'Big Pepper is a local community web site to promote local shop outlets to the community. Local shops can upload recipes with 90% of the recipe ingredient on offer at their store. The web site offers the local community a chance to sample new and never before tried recipes from the community of Hull. This includes: African, Chinese, English, French, Indian, Italian, Polish, Turkish and many more...'

Visit Big Pepper

Concept Art by Chris Wood

I was really impressed with the concept art I saw by Chris some very interesting and details work, More work by Chris on Deviant Art

iMascot by Darren Fisher

Find locations of bars that's are away fans friendly, as you can imagine an incredibly useful application. iMascot uses open source technologies for compatibility with all webkit based touch screen phones.

Bad History Concept Demo by Tracy Whitaker

Excellent level very spooky feel to it, with the creepy noises it successfully sets the mood, it has all the potential to be the start of an intense thriller. I enjoyed watching the video.

'This project is a partial level demo and its purpose is to get across the feel and the my theory of letting the players imagination be the main contributor to them feeling fear by using events not always seen but heard.'

Watch the video:

Mix Tapes by Sarah Beth

This is an intriguing project it's not finished in fact it still has a few months of development but even so it still caught my attention, the premis of taking your old casests and digitizing them and designing a theme for it's inley sounds very interesting a project to keep my eye on in the coming months.

Visit Sarah's Portfolio

No Need To Sleep by Matthew Hardiman

I'm very impressed with Matthews art work his drawings and illustrations are suburb as you can tell from the screenshot of his portfolio above. I'm sorry to say I forgot to ask what Mathews FMP was but I still wanted to feature Matthew here as I love his portfolio site looks great, you'd be forgiven if you mistakenly thought he was on web....he's on Games :)

Visit Matthews Portfolio

Peek a Pressie by Sarah Imeson

Peek a Pressie is an unusual idea it's like an online shop and yet it isn't, It's premis is it provides a platform for local businesses to show their products the consumers may be interested in buying.

What set's this apart from other similar projects is each shop involved can login at any time and amend/add products to the website with out any technical knowledge needed.

Visit Peek a Pressie

Pip and Pals by Claire Anthony

This is a fun game aimed at young children, as well as having fun by player there was some stuffed toys made for the children who played it which adds to the fun factor. Pips and pals has a really nice UI you want to explore it has you wondering what's over there...

Visit the Pip and Pals Blog

Pixtion by Liam Smith

This brilliant application lets you create a montage of photo's easily and quickly using a slick interface, you can upload images then reorder the images and create your montage, Currently there are three themes to choose from which are 'Shift' 'Classic' and 'Tunnel'

Visit Pixtion

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