David Carr

David Carr

Followers: 318

Hi, I’m Dave. A Laravel Developer. I love to build Laravel apps using the TALL stack.

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composer.json | scripts

How to Organize Composer Scripts Effectively

What is a composer script? A composer script is a set of custom commands defined in a comp...

David Carr

2 min read -

tailwind fold | plugins | PhpStorm | vscode

Toggle classes from your markup in PhpStorm and VSCode

Working with TailwindCSS will result in a lot of classes being added to your HTML. This ca...

David Carr

1 min read -

David Carr

4 min read -

David Carr

2 min read -

Filter | enum | Testing | pestphp

PHP use an enum for Filters

I have a class that allows filtering based on an option, I need a way to accept options an...

David Carr

2 min read -

Composer Scripts: Boosting Your Team's Efficiency

Hey there! Today, we're diving into the world of Composer scripts and exploring their unta...

David Carr

3 min read -


GitHub patch release previous version

On Github you way from time to time need to patch release the previous version of a publis...

David Carr

1 min read -

Laravel | console | Commands

How to disable Laravel console commands

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you need to disable or intercept a console...

David Carr

2 min read -


15 years of blogging 500 posts later

You know, it's funny how the big milestones can sneak up on us. Just as I was putting the...

David Carr

3 min read -


The podcasts I listen to as a PHP developer

The following are the podcasts I listen to. In no particular order. (That have episodes re...

David Carr

3 min read -

Laravel | yield | include | slots | layouts

Creating Flexible Layouts in Laravel with Yields, Includes, and Slots

Yields In Laravel, the @yield directive is used in blade templates to define a section tha...

David Carr

7 min read -

code-reuse | Laravel | traits

Enhancing Laravel Applications with Traits: A Step-by-Step Guide

What are traits? Traits are a mechanism for code reuse. Traits allow you to create methods...

David Carr

4 min read -

Laravel | routes | nested | placeholders

Laravel ApiResouce name nested route placeholder

When using an ApiResource that has more than one placeholder it may seem tricky to figure...

David Carr

2 min read -

Laravel | packages

My process for writing Laravel packages

Introduction I was asked recently how I started when writing new Laravel packages. In this...

David Carr

12 min read -

2Articles1Week | http | Requests | PhpStorm | APIs

Running HTTP requests in PhpStorm

Running API tests you may be tempted to open PostMan or another API client, did you know,...

David Carr

3 min read -

2Articles1Week | Explode | list

Extracting a time into select menus with PHP

When storing time in a database, often I'll store this in a time format such as 14:25:00 W...

David Carr

2 min read -

2Articles1Week | Vue.js | forms | condition-rendering | Conditional statement

Vue show and hide form elements

Introduction When working with forms, it is common to display or conceal various fields ba...

David Carr

4 min read -

PhpStorm | setup | 2Articles1Week

My PhpStorm Setup

Theme I use the New UI which is located at Appearance & Behaviour -> New UI Once turned o...

David Carr

2 min read -

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